Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Juan Sarmiento #3 - Unleashing The Hulk

Nuclear Weapons are as much of a threat as having Marvel’s The Hulk. It is my opinion that nuclear weapons might as well be a fictional character the every country uses to threaten other countries, just like Tony Stark when he said the famous “We have a Hulk” line. Sure there has been nuclear testing and it is been used against people before, but we as humans are in a different world. We have organization to regulate these sorts of things.
            The reason I believe that nuclear weapons are the same as the Hulk, is because I truly believe that nuclear weapons are used as threats in politics but they are really not going to be used in military. Because of this they might as well be green giant indestructible fictional characters. There is always much debate and arguing about nuking this country and nuking that country, but in reality we all know that if a country were to launch nuclear weapons towards a enemy State, said country would receive such heavy sanctions as well as have so much unintended consequences that it could hurt it even more than if it had gone to war with the nuked State. Organization such as the United Nations would demand such reparations that it could send the country back 20-30 years.
            Because of all of this it is my believe that it is in all nations best interest to disarm nuclear weapons, as well as terminating any sort of research for world ending weapons. Because no country will use the nuclear weapons or its technology it is wise to invest the money in something more helpful such a sustainable energy or we might as well be throwing away billions of dollars away for a piece of technology that is not benefiting anyone.
            Author Thomas Schelling, argues that even if countries were to decided to disarm themselves of nuclear weapons, said countries could create such weapon in a weeks time. He also estates that if International organizations were to decided to force all countries to agree to no nuclear weapons, that it would not be very difficult for countries to hide the materials needed for nuclear weapons. And although I agree with his assessment, it is my opinion that if countries choose to voluntarily give up their nuclear weapons, that we would enter into a unspoken agreement to safe millions of innocent lives as well as an agreement to get rid of weapons that have us a click away from a third World War. The United States giving up its nuclear weapons and redirecting the twenty billion dollars per year to helping would set an example for other nations to follow.
            In conclusion it is my opinion that in order for all nations to truly give up on nuclear power, the more powerful ones such as the United States, Russia, China and North Korea need to set the example.
            Having nuclear weapons is as fictional as saying that we have the Hulk. Yes nuclear weapons are real and have killed people, but in a world not looking for its everyday citizens to be worried of war and even more discontent with those ruling their countries, world leaders might as well say they are unleashing the hulk.



  1. I think you make a really valid point, Juan. But how can we be sure that all of the other countries will follow the lead of the U.S. in getting rid of our nuclear weapons. If the U.S. were the only nation to get rid of nuclear weapons, I believe other countries would view us as weaker. While we probably won't use the weapons (and other countries won't, either) they are a symbol of power in IR and surrendering our weapons would make us look less powerful.

  2. I agree with Sara. I think it would be impossible to ensure that all nations were getting rid of their nuclear weapons. Although Juan's point is valid in saying that there is a small reality that nuclear weapons will be launch because of how detrimental and potentially world ending they are, that does not mean countries will give up their weapons. Do you think that disarming all nations of nuclear weapons would be peaceful?

  3. Juan,

    Amusing and interesting.

    Do you think that one day the threat of nuclear weapons will be lessened if they are not used? In other words, does the threat they provide depend at all on their use?

  4. sara and gaby, I too had similar questions when writing this, unfortunately there is limited space to provide all the answers. I agree with both of you guys that getting other nations to give up nuclear weapons would be almost utopian.
    Professor Shirk, I do believe that the perceived threat of nuclear weapons would be diminished, as no one would even have nuclear weapons in their mind. the actual threat would remain the same though as they are still capable of destroying the world.
